RV Keystone Websites, Ideal SEO job for Christmas
The really sad thing is, they are actually quite difficult to find in the sites search engines unless you already know the name of the RV you want. However if you are just looking for RV's or information about RV's, buying RV's etc, all those sites are no-where to be found.
With an investment of say $1500 per website for SEO, some careful planning by the SEO, by the start of the summer, this company could rule google and other search engines, ranking for all placements on the 1st and 2nd pages of search engine results for every conceivable search that was about RV's. When you think that the sites of there's I checked had about 95 pages each, this extra expense would be well worthwhile, and probably the return on investment would be made within a couple of sales.
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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SEO Is Not Really That Complicated | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
As an example I recently 'Met' emailed someone that owns a website business, nice site, he has also taken up writing articles, and submitting the articles to a popular article bank as an SEO technique to get links to his business website.
He has written over 1200 very good articles, ideal for use on blogs and in newsletters etc. he's done that part right, He's been doing this for over 2 years.
However looking at his google analytics the only change to visitors to his site, come from the link in his bio at the article site, about 100 visitors a month, and of those visitors, the bounce rate is just over 94%.
However visitors coming from search engines have stayed about the same over the past 5 years. Sure there's some natural increase, but nothing noticeable. Not considering the time this guy has put in, writing his articles on the same topic as his business website.
A few simple tips, and his website could be receiving hundreds more visitors each month. he would have been getting many thousand visitors a month now, if he had of known what he was doing when he first started writing articles.
Lynny" www.seobycanz.com
- Investing In Women has awarded their first grant to a woman owned business in the USA. The recipient of the award is Tanisha Cunningham, founder of The Underground Railroad to Success (www.railroad2success.com). The URS is a non-profit that provides a service to foster children aging out of the system to live independently as adults while becoming an integral part of society. This is great for foster children and also has a positive affect on our society as a whole.
“Aging out” is the term used for children who go into foster care, but are never returned to their families of origin or adopted by others. They stay in the system until they turn 18, or graduate from high school, and for the most part, are left to fend for themselves as best they can.
Tanisha Cunningham started URS in January of 2009. A child of foster care herself, she saw the need for foster kids to have additional support when they were no longer eligible for state run services. Soon after her foster care ended, she began a career in child welfare
“I wanted to stay there because my passion had always been to give back, because I knew the struggles of living in foster care, and the fear of leaving unprepared, not having a place to go or having the skills to obtain a job.”
Investing In Women (www.iiWomen.com) is a free business resource site, grant program and marketing venue for entrepreneurs. The organization plans to offer several micro grants in 2010, including grants that are not awarded based on gender.
Website in New Zealand Very sucessful with SEO
The website when I started was getting about
30,000 page views a month, August of 08, by September 09 that same website got just under
1,000,000, yes 1 million page views a month.
Now let me explain, page views are not the number visitors, it's the number of pages visitors viewed over a month.I find this is a better way of seeing whats going on on many sites for the following reasons.
About 50%-60% of visitors leave a site, or bounce, without viewing more than one page, I won't say how many visitors, but you can do the math, for a million pages looked at, the number of visitors are up there....that sort of result would put some very busy forums to shame.
That's a very impressive growth in just one year...I can't take all the credit though,
this owner did put a heck of a lot of work into the website.
Even moving a large homemade website onto a database website, increasing the number of pages from about 500 to over 1700 pages was all work this website owner did herself, with just a few emails from be explaining what to do.
I have other seo consultancy clients that don't have anywhere near the success of this website, with consultancy, I can only suggest what needs doing, the rest is up to the website owner.
This website owner didn't take on all my suggestions, but the ones she did take on, she made an outstanding difference to her website traffic... it just shows though, sometimes all that's needed is a little direction, to make a online business a success...
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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Investing in Women and Lynny Brown SEO team up
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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Would you want this SEO working for you?
I just checked out an SEO here in San Diego seobythehour.com that is using adwords to get clicks to their website… check out the daily budget at the top between 1 and almost 10 grand a day….. if you knew how much they were spending on adwords themselves make you want to use their service?
I'm tempted to ring them up and ask if they would like SEO done on their own site… I'm beating them in organic searches everywhere and have never or would never waste my money on adwords as you know.
Regards Lynny
SEO 4 Dentists
Google Maps Scam Spam phone call
Google never rings you even if you beg them too.....
Theres a new scam happening in at California at least, but probably will be happening everywhere soon.
The scam starts as a recorded phonecall, saying something like
Google is updating it's google maps database... blah blah.
If you save your google maps listing, and don't want it deleted by google, press #1
Theres something in the message that insinuates that this is google calling you...
If you do press 1 you get a highpowered sales person, who is actually nothing to do with google at all, and yet doesn't actually say that...even when directly asked, they try to sell you better google maps listings for your business.
Don't be fooled, Google never rings you even if you beg them too..... even if you pay them to ring you they won't, and many times even the google maps verification phonecall doesn't come.
So don't get sucked into buying this service, it's a scam. Google is not updating it's google maps listings yet, even though they should IMHO.
I just happened to be at a clients office the other day when this scam spam phonecall arrived, and I was given the phone so I could speak to google.... I was so mad at the scam I hung up before I found out what the name of the company was, cause the highpowered sales person wouldn't actually say who the company was....
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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Chiropractic Review Canz Design Website Redesign
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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SEO for Chiropractors Review
Lynn did not promise me anything outrageous but her service QUADRUPLED my internet traffic inside of eight weeks. I have since requested her help with other projects that are in the works. She is knowledgeable, personable and very easy to work with. Highly recommend!!!!!!'
Service Category: IT Consultant
Year first hired: 2009 (hired more than once)
Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert
Steve Jones San Diego Chiropractor"
Chiropractic websites SEO and whiplash
All Chiropractics that I have spoken to agree, they would like to specialize or at least work a lot more with car accident injury patients, whiplash responds extremely well to chiropractic treatment.
Yet even though they want to work with this type of patient, usually their websites or webpages are not at all optimize for whiplash. Usually whiplash will be mentioned along with a list of other services they offer, and only on about 1% of sites do chiropractors even have a page that is directly aimed at car accident victims. Of those 1% of website that actually have a page about whiplash, I've yet to see that that page is is actually optimized for search engines or the word whiplash, or car accident treatment or anything along these lines.
So the chances of a potential whiplash patient ever finding their website are fairly limited, and for the other 99% of Chiropractors that just mention they work with whiplash patients, alongside headaches and neck and back-pain, they will never be found in search engines. They are counting on visitors clicking on their services page.
You have to have a web-page that is about whiplash, and preferably 1 page for each whiplash symptom or issue in order to get visitors from search engines.
The general population is not even aware that chiropractic care is even an option for whiplash symptoms, so chiropractic's need to educate the general public. To do this, they need pages on their website or blog, explaining the different whiplash symptoms, and how chiropractic can help. The more pages the better.
From my experience with other websites, a page will have to be read about 100 times in order to get one customer, so if a chiropractic has a list of say 10 types of treatments they offer, whiplash being one of them, the page will have to be viewed about 1000 times before they can hope to get one whiplash patient. So if a chiropractors website had 10 pages about whiplash and symptoms and treatment of whiplash, just by having correctly optimized pages, they would get more visitors, and therefore get more patients.
The Answer: Add several pages or blog posts about the different whiplash symptoms to a website or blog, optimize them correctly, and chiropractics will start receiving the patients they are wanting.
The next problem. Most Chiropractics I have spoken to are great Chiropractors, but aren't good at writing, so where do all these pages about whiplash come from? Writing Search engine friendly content is not something just anyone can do.
Just copying information from elsewhere on the internet, besides being illegal won't work. Also much of what is written online is meant for chiropractics to read and understand, not for general Joe Public...
A chiropractic would be better to get something written for them exclusively... however this will cost a fortune usually $250+ per article.
I have a chiropractic a fine writer, that has agreed to write, for a start, a series of 10 unique articles about various aspects of whiplash, and how chiropractic treatments can help, which I'm offering for sale in bundles of 3 articles, for $225. These articles can be used to add to a website, or on a chiropractic blog that is for a specific chiropractic office.
Contact me at seo4chiros@gmail.com using the subject "Buy Whiplash Articles" and we'll discuss your purchase. Articles will be unique to your website, and I will not sell the same articles again.
Of course I'd be happy to do Search engine optimization on your website or blog as well, but this offer of articles specially about whiplash is a stand alone offer, if you are happy optimizing your own site, or are an SEO for a chiropractor, then you can buy these one off articles, and use them on a website or blog for one chiropractic office.
I have several hundred articles about other aspects of chiropractic treatments, that I'm also selling, and articles that are not unique and have been used on other blogs which of course cost much less....
so just ask if you are looking for articles about anything chiropractic. Or visit this blog specifically about SEO for Chiropractics and see other article buying options some usage rights are as little as $10 per use.
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
Call (619) 269 5372
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Panda Anti-Virus 2010 Big Problems
The computer tech is very savy, but even after assigning premissions in Panda Anti-Virus 2010 for email and browsers wouldn't work, along with any other program we tried to open, even photoshop wouldn't open... anything that had auto updates or any update settings... even though permissions had been reset.
after about 8 hours of fighting, finally did a system restore, which took 5 different trys before it would work, and although system restore said it worked, now Panda 2009 isn't working either, files are missing all over the place, won't even start, everything is grayed out.
So the main computer now has no internet access, while the tech tries to find the missing files, from system restore and is too worried to go online with protection. Of course since panda isn't working, the tech can't even update the version she has....
So much for making restore points before installing anything, this time it didn't do any good at all.
Might pay to wait a while before installing Panda Anti-Virus 2010 theres obvious some issues with it and at least Vista.
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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SEO for Chiros & Blogging for business
Blogs are a great way to advertise your business, if done the correct way, can make your website more important in search engines.
Recently I have taken a new direction with SEO, and I've started working for Chiropractics, I have 2 chiro's in the same office here in San Diego, one in Reno and one in Columbus Ohio and a couple thinking about using my services one in Sydney Australia and the other is Singapore.
Doing SEO for Chiropractics is really cool, firstly the chiropractics themselves, and really nice guys, (I only have guys so far) earthy grounded types, that are interested in your health as a whole, and while I don't like saying holistic, is really the only word that describes them.
Doing SEO for a specific type of client has been a dream of mine for many years, and one that's coming to fruition in San Diego, starting with the Chiropractic that got me painfree after too many years to count.
One of my San Diegian Chiros has a talent for writing, and I'm going to start selling original chiropractic articles, that the buyer could use on their website, or for article submission, for newsletters,on their blogs etc.
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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SEO for Chiropractors
Back Pain Relief San Diego: 'More than a Chiropractor Hillcrest San Diego
He’s so much more than a chiropractor, even calling him a chiropractor is like a depreciation or devaluing his skills, he combines chiropractic techniques with, physiotherapy, deep tissue massage, cold laser treatments, and other goodies, to many to mention, and he is always researching and looking for ways to improve his knowledge and ability to help people.
He has a great sense of humor, respects his patient’s opinions,'
read More http://painreliefsd.com/chiropractor-hillcrest-san-diego/"
Pregnancy, Birth, Baby and Beyond
- ▼ October (3)
- Impact Of Aging On Male Fertility
- Decorating for a Terrific Baby Shower
- The Natural Treatment of Infertility
- ▼ September (2)
- Looking For The Best Pregnancy Diet, Don't Make Th...
- Start Baby Bonding Now By Referring to Your Baby B...
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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SEO for Chiropractors
Back Pain Relief San Diego: 'More than a Chiropractor Hillcrest San Diego
PostDateIcon October 1st, 2009 | PostAuthorIcon Author: Andrew | PostEditIcon Edit
He’s so much more than a chiropractor, even calling him a chiropractor is like a depreciation or devaluing his skills, he combines chiropractic techniques with, physiotherapy, deep tissue massage, cold laser treatments, and other goodies, to many to mention, and he is always researching and looking for ways to improve his knowledge and ability to help people.
He has a great sense of humor, respects his patient’s opinions,'
read More http://painreliefsd.com/chiropractor-hillcrest-san-diego/"
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
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Fertility, Conception, Pregnancy, Birth, Baby
"8 Things To Consider When You Want Another Baby
When You Want Another Baby 8 Things To Consider
Even if you thought you would never step foot in the delivery room again (or, prop them up, actually), the desire to bear the baby bulge is different for everyone. The urge to have children can come from wanting to give your child a sibling, the love of being parents, or even the need to 'carry on your legacy.'
But, what if you can't, or shouldn't, yet that longing for another baby just won't go away? Whether you have one child and are wishing for another or you have five kids and just can't stop thinking about the sixth, sometimes the need to breed just won't take its leave."
8 Things To Consider When You Want Another Baby
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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Healthy Living,
"Osteoporosis and Chiropractic:
I see many older (and sometimes younger) patients in my San Diego chiropractic office who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is an insidious disease.
Initially it developes without any clear symptoms, affecting the skeletons’ bone density. Osteoporosis is usually discovered by special testing or bone weakening that leads to fractures which can result in falls, back pain, neck pain, etc.
I am always surprised that those diagnosed with osteoporosis know so little about it. I did a search on line and found the following article that is worth reading."
Osteoporosis and Chiropractic:
columbus ohio auto accident injury care blog
Cruise on over and take a look
columbus auto accident injury care:
"Whiplash Treated with Cold Laser
October 9th, 2009
Cold Laser Treatment for Whiplash
In some parts of the world Cold laser treatment has become a preferred method of treatment for whiplash injuries. Cold laser therapy help by speeding up the healing process, increasing the quality and strength of tissue, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. So it’s no wonder why cold laser therapy would be beneficial for the treatment of whiplash.
As a chiropractor that has treated many cases of whiplash, I would like to tell you what a big difference I’ve noticed since I started using cold laser therapy. Several months ago I got a cold laser for my practice and have found myself using it more and more."
Read More about Whiplash Treated with Cold Laser
“When the rains begin to fall, we know to expect calls from our regular patients and new referrals to address pain stemming from car accident injuries. When roads are slick and slippery, it is around 4 to 5 times more likely for an accident to occur when compared to calm weather. In the last decade and a half, my Chiropractic office in San Diego has seen hundreds of car accident and personal injury victims.
Whiplash is the classic neck injury that is most commonly caused by automobile accident”
SEO for Chiropractors"
Tijuana Cosmetic Dentist
Tijuana Cosmetic Dentist
TJ Dental Services
Dental Implants
Composite Fillings
Dentures & Partial Dentures
Root Canal Therapy
Tijuana Dentist Prices
How to Optimize Your Website For Better Page Ranking
As an online entrepreneur, it's very important that you have high page ranking. You would want your website to show up on the top 10 search page results so your target market can easily find you online.
Here's how you can optimize your website:
1. Use keywords on your web content. You will need to sprinkle generous amount of keywords not only on your home page but also on all pages of your website. They must be strategically placed on your content in such a way that you'll be able to help search spiders in analyzing your web content. Use keywords on your headings, on your tags and on your descriptions. However, make sure that you adhere to the appropriate keyword density to avoid being penalized by Google.
2. Build links. Inbound links tell Google and other search engines that your website is informative thus, it's worth linking to. Do an extensive research and find those people who are running a website that compliments your website's theme. Get their contact information and convince them to link with you. I wouldn't lie about it; this can be a time-consuming and overwhelming task but your effort and time will surely worth it.
3. Off page optimization techniques. Aside from emailing webmasters and getting them to link with you, you can also obtain high quality inbound links from other relevant sites through article marketing, blog hopping, and forum posting. Share a slice of your expertise to online users and post your site's URL on your resource box or on your signature. If your audience were impressed with the information you offered, they are most likely to give your site a visit.
Download it free here: Article Writing
Or...do you want to learn how to increase your online income by adding coaching, consulting, and online classes to your existing practice or business? Find out how here: Internet Marketing for Coaches
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages. Sean says "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed"
Internet Marketing - How to Optimize Your Website For Better Page Ranking
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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Small Business SEO and Hints: Testimonials For Backlinks Part III
Finally, in your request letter you will want to conclude with a call to action. In addition, you might want to offer at this juncture some sort of reasonable and appropriate incentive to encourage an appropriate individual or enterprise to allow you a backlink.
By paying close attention to these suggestions, you will be in the best possible position to craft and develop a meaningful and truly effective request letter which will be an integral element of your overall list building efforts."
Small Business SEO and Hints: Testimonials For Backlinks Part III
Dentist San Diego
The STA system only lets a certain amount of anesthesia go through while you are having your dental process, promising that there won't be any pain felt from the stick of the needle or the dentist working on your mouth. Only the location that dental work has to be done on is numbed."
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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Google Consultant - what is Google Consultant
very good post, well worth a read.
You should never be able to say you are a Google Consultant, that infures you work for Google, Google Search Engine Consultant maybe, but not Google Consultant, never Google Consultant apart from anything else it's untruth telling ....
Regards Lynny, Not A Google Consultant
Car Accident Whiplash Injuries Pain Relief
Whiplash Injuries
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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Articles about Chiropractic: Exercise for a Building a Healthy Spine
Read More about
Building a Healthy Spine
Chiropractors Hints and Tips
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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Chula Vista Dentist
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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I don't have time to market my website
A post I made on a forum, I thought was worth sharing... one of the members there said this
My biggest question is - who has the time for all this 'online marketing'? While I have added my details to common directories, try to post at least 1 blog per month and follow the odd chat ... I really struggle to find time to spend hours researching 'the latest'. Tips appreciated!My Reply
Blogging, Tweeting, Facebooking, Linkedin, and other social media sites are all just ways of getting potential clients to your blog and then website, if you don't want to pay someone like me to market your business online, then you have to do it by trial and error, and quote frankly wasting hundreds of hours trying things out, that don't work, I've done that years ago, and now know the tricks of the trade.
And I'm still trying out new things, to see what works and what doesn't, but generally, some things work for some businesses other don't, so I have to know how each thing works, so I can use the right combination for each business I work with.
I guess most of you know, I'm and SEO, I make websites findable in search engines, and more importantly make it findable for that websites potential customers.
Anyone can get people to their website, that's easy, and what most people that say they are search engine optimisation or website optimisation experts do, they get people to your website, the trick is to get people ready to click the paypal button, write an email, pick up the phone and call you, that's what Pro SEO's do.
EG: I have a client who is a dentist, and while he only gets about 400 visitors a month to his website, which is lousy, but read on...
I've been working on his sites since the end of Jan 09, in Feb he got 2 new patients, and in March another 14 new patients, and now he's averaging between 12 and 19 new patients every month coming directly from the site I optimize. You do the math at the % of visitors that view his website that become patients, it fantastic. Better than any other form of advertising.
He made a healthy investment in SEO of almost $35,000 USD, he said at his had a ROI in 4 months. We are only at month 7 of a 14 month SEO campaign.
This dentist said to me from the start, that he's a dentist, and doesn't want to know what I do, just make his website work. He actually asked me a few months back to stop optimizing his site, because he had to get a larger office and hire another dentist and staff to handle all the new patients he was getting.
On the other hand I had a new client a few years getting a respectable 8-10,000 visitors a month, and not getting any sales to speak of. that site now gets around 12,000 visitors, and the owner makes an income enough to live on, she could do a whole lot better, but she's not willing to do the work herself or pay me to, she seems happy with getting a few hundred a week.
My point is, to have an online business, and have that business be successful, you either have to pay someone like me, or do the work yourself making the investment in your business in sweat equity. Just ask Frances from Breastmates.co.nz about investing sweat equity in a business, she is a inspiration I can tell you, that woman is a dynamo and it's paying off.
I wrote an article years ago, before social media was the in thing, setting out the investment you must make in your websites to just get it optimised, and doing well in search engines, you might find it interesting.
If you add say 2 hours a night to that articles suggestions, for social media-ing, not counting the time to find what best works for you, you'd still on the right track within a year or so.
I must write and update to that article, because things have changed so much, in 5 years.
The Truth About SEO
The Truth About SEO
By Trevor Kugler

What exactly is SEO? It's an acronym and stands for search engine optimization. The theory is to optimize your website so that the search engines will like it, and then rank you height for search results. For example if you sell pork sandwiches, and someone types the phrase "pork sandwiches" into a search engine, ideally you would like your website to be the first result. The theory is if your website is the first result, you would then receive a bunch of traffic, which you would. That is if people actually search for the term "pork sandwiches". The bottom line is that SEO is optimizing your website so that it's friendly to search engines.
When we were rookies, our webmaster said if we spent fifty bucks a month he could "optimize" our site so that it would be in the top search results. What he didn't explain, and I realized later, was that all he was doing was submitting the site to search engines. Terms that were proprietary were ranking well on most search engines, in fact these terms ranked number one. He said to me once, "those are good terms". Then I realized the truth. Of course they were "good terms" and we ranked very high on search results. It was because no one searched for these terms because they were proprietary! The public didn't know what a "gang hook" was, so of course if you type the term gang hook into Google, our site would come up. We quickly stopped paying fifty bucks a month for something that was accomplishing nothing! And just so you know, we're still at the top for the term gang hook.
The problem is that this is the type of thing that happens. When you're new to the arena, people take advantage of the things you don't know. The bottom line is that optimizing your site takes time. You have to pick the phrases that you want to optimize, and then incorporate them into your site. And phrases that are incredibly popular (and get searched for a lot), are out of reach to the average website. No one wants to admit this, but it's true.
The bottom line is that optimizing your website takes time and effort. You have to exchange links with other websites, write articles, distribute press releases, and anything else you can think of to get your website noticed. Don't be like we were and think that you can simply pay a company fifty bucks a month and end up in the top ten search results for terms actually relating to your website. This is a fallacy, and you might as well save your money. Think about it (which is what we should have done), if it were as simple as paying fifty bucks a month, wouldn't everyone and their brother be in the top ten results? It's unrealistic to assume that SEO is that simple. Keep plugging away, doing the things such as those mentioned here and the results will come in time.
http://www.jrwfishing.com/gang_hooks.asp - Start Catching more fish Today!!!!
http://www.jrwfishing.com/signup.html - sign up for the best free fishing Ezine on the web and get $10 for your trouble.
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
Getting On Google Expert
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Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
Home Based Business Is A Joke!
Home Based Business Is A Joke!
The entire landscape of home business opportunities is full of more snakes than that tomb in the first Indiana Jones movie. There are weasels out there proclaiming that you can have a home business and they will do most of the work for you. All you have to do is by into the "business" and collect the checks. I put the term business in quotes because in the case of 99% of home business opportunities out there the term is used more loosely than a freshly opened can of creamed corn. Honestly, how realistic is it that you can make money with little or no effort? I'll let you in on a little law of the universe…IT'S NOT REALISTIC.
Do you know what's interesting about this? I'm a guy who has a successful home based business. I have a business that I work out of my home, and make money. I simply want people to realize that the fact that the business is conducted out of my home means nothing. It hasn't been "easy" and no one else has done the work for me. This is my point. The idea of a home based business is a joke. It makes no difference where the business is conducted from.
So, as you navigate the mine field known as home based business opportunities, remember: If you don't follow your passion, you're in trouble. You must fell passionately about whatever it is that you do, or what's the point? We all came to this earth to find and fulfill our destiny, and that means that there aren't any shortcuts. And as you tip toe through this mine field, please remember what your Mother told you: If it sounds too good to be true…..IT IS!!!!!
Start Catching More Fish!! - http://www.jrwfishing.com
Become A Better Angler and get $10 For Your Trouble... - http://www.jrwfishing.com/signup.asp
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
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Posts about Fishing
Couple of posts about fishing...
Blogs they came from
Fishing Hints, Tips 'n Articles about Fishing
Soft bait fishing
SEO Services San Diego

Best Regards Lynny
- Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
SEO managing Blogs for Business
Pain Relief San Diego ||Dental Implants || Eastlake Implants and Braces || SLAM Soft Bait
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Dental Vaneers
Chula Vista San Diego Dentist & Dental Services
Dentist Pain Free Anesthesia
Soft bait fishing
Fishing Hints, Tips 'n Articles about Fishing
SEO & Web Design Services San Diego
Car Accident Whiplash Injuries Pain Relief
Back Pain Relief & Treatment
Work Injury & Workplace Safety Advice
Web Design Hillcrest - San Diego - California
Prenatal Health & Pain Relief
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Tourism Resources
Stories Kenneth George Bishop 1926 - 2001
Some Business blogs I'm also managing
Cosmetic Dentist
Dental Implants
Dental Veneers
Dental Implant
Mini Implants for Dentures
Dental Implants
Chula Vista Dental
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Dental Blogs Chula Vista
Chula Vista Dental: 6 Months Braces San Diego
SEO Services San Diego

Best Regards Lynny
- Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
Chiropractors Blogs
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
Twittering in New Zealand, is it worth it
Is twittering working for Kiwis
Actually the whole forum is worth a look
Home Business in New Zealand
SEO Services San Diego

Best Regards Lynny
- Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
Virtual Assistant NZ Web and SEO Review
“Lynn and her partner revamped my website early in 2007.
Her brief was to give it a new, professional image and adapt for optimum SEO.
I have nothing but praise for the work and subsequent results of these services. From a non-performing website which rarely generated any enquiries and didn't feature high in any search engine rankings I now receive a steady stream of enquiries and subsequent work from the site.
My site is now easy to find through search engines and Google Analytics proves Lynn's SEO does indeed deliver on her promises. Lynn has been invaluable in her advise and ideas in how to promote my business, often going above and beyond the call of duty.
I have recommended Lynn to many of my clients and consider myself fortunate to have found a reliable, honest SEO Consultant who has exceeded my expectations.”
Justine Tatt Virtual Assistant NZ
April 9, 2009
Twitter Site that shows just my posts
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
San Diego Chiropractors SEO Review
Andrew Mairs San Diego Chiropractor
SEO Services San Diego

I thought it was about time I posted some of my SEO reviews.
Best Regards Lynny
- Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
Frontpage to Database Website
This was important to me, as I have been in business for 5 years and have certain ways of doing things.
So they actually customized the product pages for me so that the images were 300x400 and also that little thumbnail pictures of alternative images were viewable, you just hover your mouse over and it shows the bigger picture.
This is a really cool feature, as the person can see more images and angles before deciding to purchase. Some of my products had 10 different photos (or colours) and with the modifications they made for me, all these images were now available.
With my old site I just had 5 categories of products, and the store pages had a long list of things available to purchase. But with the new CMS website, we could actually add sub-categories to make it easier for people to find stuff.
This has worked really well. For example instead of just having “Clothing” section of our breastfeeding products, we separated this into Long Sleeve, Short Sleeve, Singlets subcategories.
I decided to have US, AUD, Euro – but could have chosen any.
I’m in New Zealand and they are in San Diego, but that has not hindered our work at all. It has actually been to my benefit, as when I am doing my work late at night, they are online too.
Sometimes they stay up to the wee hours of the morning when we are going through things together. I can never tell what time it is with them, as they work around the clock it seems, but it has definitely worked to my advantage.
Now I can spend my time with my family and handling sales which are pouring in since people have seen the new website and sales were good on the old site but this new site is SOOOOOO easy.
SEO for large Website
1. What is SEO and how would affect your website
SEO is a variety of marketing and optimization techniques that bring viable clients to an online business
not to look around but to purchase services or goods.
Some of these techniques are called Onpage SEO:
Onpage SEO is manipulation and fine tuning of the unseen code beneath a webpage. This information an SEO fine tunes tells the search engines and people doing searches for your products what's on a particular webpage.
I write this Onpage code in a very specific way, which highlights some of the list of keywords and key phrases I am working with. This makes every page an entry page into your website and means that your website can appear highly in search engine search results for many phrases instead of only a few which
is what most SEO work towards.
Then there is Offpage SEO optimization and this can mean many, many different things… basically
known as link building in several different ways, and perhaps Pay Per Click(PPC) campaigns, paid
advertising on the types of websites your clients would be going to.
As you said on the phone, you aren't interested in getting visitors who spend all their time at eBay; you
want visitors that are looking to buy your products that cost over 1 million dollars each.
So in this case I would suggest you do pay for advertising in some of the higher income places online, where your customers browse and shop.
Once my SEO changes begin taking affect it will compliment the work your marketing team is doing; think of SEO as an internet based marketing plan that uses very different techniques from traditional market strategies it is all about getting your brand and company recognized.
So the idea wouldn't necessarily be to get clicks and visitors to your site (unless they are buying) , but to get your name being talked about in the right circles. I don't know how much attention your marketing team is paying to the internet at this stage, but it is a very important part of advertising in today's world. I will make your website a good point of introduction into your very specialized product.
What I can do for this website
1. I was mistaken when I first looked at your site, it isn't all flash as I first thought; this is a very good. It
means I can start work and the changes I make will take effect immediately. I should be able to get this
site ranking very highly, within the first 2 or 3 rankings for any given search, although I haven't checked
out your competition yet, I wouldn't think you have a lot of completion.
2. I would first optimize all webpages so the Onpage SEO is relevant to the actual page content; at present,
most of your pages are competing with each other for search rankings.
3. While google is indexing this first round of onsite (another word for Onpage) optimization, I would then
do a lot of research into keywords that it should be optimized for. This entails perhaps 200 hours investigating keywords and the sort of things people search for, and then researching which pages would be best suited for which phrases and then adding to the optimization I first did. Google likes changes on websites, so making website changes close together is a good idea. I would also start some off page optimization; I have staff that does this type of work, who report to me several times a day.
4. All of the wording on the site is very hard to read, as it is stark white on blue; I have someone that could
change this making the words much easier to read. You have a beautiful website but it needs to be a
little more user friendly.
SEO Timeline
First let me say that I spend my whole day on a computer approx 16 hours a day, so if I say I will work on something for 50 hours this doesn't mean it will take 8 days to do; it would be more like 3½ days. I work 7 days a week, totally addicted to my work; I'm mobility disabled, and don't have a life away from the computer. ☺ I wasn't quite sure how to set out this quote, as I have no idea of your budget.
The site seems to have a few problems that visitors will encounter, especially with the Navigation, and I would have them seen to immediately.
1. The first thing I would do is analyze the current website statistics (if they have any), see where your website visitors are coming from and how they are arriving at your website. We need to have a thorough understanding of where we are at so we can see where we have to go. If you don't currently have access to website statistics, the first thing I would need to do is add Google Analytics code (we will get Analytics working for you anyway, but it is vital I get a good idea of the type of traffic your site is generating.
2. The initial Onpage SEO: for approximately 40 webpages 20‐25 hours.
3. Search engine submission, Google and yahoo sitemaps, general Offpage optimizations 40 hours
4. Approx 200 hours researching keywords and website analyses, adding to the Onpage Meta material 100 hours researching the advertising campaign your marketing team establishes and perhaps complimenting their work with SEO tactics. 80‐120 hours: starting a link building campaign, using several different techniques and strategies.
5. 30‐50 hours handling anything as it comes up
6. Total Approx 500 hours 7‐8 weeks
It doesn't sound much, but that would take approx 6‐7 weeks to complete full time work, although results would start to show with a couple of weeks for a site like yours, that is a mature site.
It isn't advantageous to have too many links to a website appearing too quickly so link building would carry on for several months and rather than work on getting thousands of useless links, I'd suggest paying for a few good links that will help your pages ranking in google in the short term.
Ongoing work on a monthly basis should be seriously considered for at least 6 months after the initial
SEO work is done. This SEO work includes link building, constant (daily checking of statistics) and making changes or tweaking the Onpage optimization as required. Collating and submitting a month report, as to what's happening with the site, and perhaps meeting with the marketing dept to discuss any new marketing strategies they maybe implementing; so I can see that the website is optimized correctly for the people that maybe searching for the site.
This work would average out to about 3‐5 hours a day, so 120 hours a month, for 6 months.
Cost of SEO: I generally say that as a rule of thumb, that 10% of the yearly advertising budget should be spent on SEO. However this won't be necessary for this project.
Initial SEO Approx 500 hours 7‐8 weeks
‐ $37,500 2 payments 1 month apart $20,000 then $17.500
Ongoing SEO.
120 hours per month for 6 extra months = 720 hours
‐ $54,000 $9,000 per month Starting on the 3rd month after initial SEO is paid for.
Or $7700 per month for a year, and changing the monthly SEO to 60 hours per month.
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
SEO Articles
D_I_Y SEO | SEO vs Advertising | SEO Programs | Website Optimization what is SEO Anyway| Websites need SEO | Our SEO Results |
SEO FAQ Tips | SEO Case Studies E-commerce Website | Case Study Webdesign Website | SEO Services & Prices | How I work with an SEO client | Results of my SEO Work | SEO for Accommodation Websites | SEO E-Commerce Site
Home Office Safety | SEF CMS what is it? | Why Websites Fail | Dyslexic writer | About Websites | GLBT San Diego | Email Tricks | Websites are not just Brochures | Getting your website to #1 in search engines | Best way to get good links |
SEO Posts on other Blogs Website Archives | Share the cost in SEO, many websites SEO |Why does website need SEO? The truth | Offpage SEO what is it? | Offpage seo how can it work? Part 3 | Off page SEO Why you need it. Part 2 | It's the words in a link that matter | Does the yellow pages offer you a website|
What is SEF what does SEF mean? | First in Google using SEO How? |from USA to other parts of the world | Need a new Website Designer email us | your webdesigner or webhost are you unhappy with t... | SEO with a breastfeeding website | Parameter cool SEO software (Free) | How often should a website be upgraded | How do you SEO a database driven website? | Are several websites better than one?
Just a few more SEO Articles
Different search engine ranking depending on where... | SEO what's in it for your? | How do search engines work? | Seo Hint: Why do similar searches rank differently... | Being a dyslexic writer | What is Full SEO | LSI Newest Google technology Scam | Hosting stuff you wanted to know, but no-one would... | WEBSITE DESIGN | What is a Website Hit? SEO Hint | How much does a website cost? | Pay Per Click how does it work? | What does a designer do? | What is drop-shipping | SEO's that advertise their services on Google | Best SEO Best Results how good is best | Where do email go, while they are lost in cyberspace | What is a reasonable price for SEO for a month | Interesting SEO trend Links from sites that don't | Other reasons articles are important...
Oh more SEO Articles
Article for your website helps SEO Prices for Arti... | Text Links- Types of links, and how they work for Banner ads - Types of links, and how they work for... | Quotes for SEO work, and spam filters. | Advanced SEO, Why should a company get advanced SEO.. | Sites using adsence that have SEO work done on the... | Advanced SEO Prices How much for what SEO Services... | Do you have a mean money grabbing SEO? - SEO COsts more, becuase it's getting harder to do.... | Do meta tags help optimize your website SEO | San Diego SEO & Webdesign Office | Marketing ur Website Google Adwords or SEO | Canz Design's New Look on SEO CMS
SEO Articles
Is it worth SEO'ing my website | Does your website deserve to rank well in Search Engines | Why ranking well in google is important | Changing website content will help SEO | NZ's Best SEO, Best Results at Best | Prices: SEO Services | Links to your website or the key to SEO | SEO Search Results |
SEO Articles
How long does it take for SEO to Work | SEO that Lives Locally | Vegetarian Products for New Zealand | How to tell a good SEO. How Many Links do I need? SEO Tip | How Much should SEO cost, what some people charge | Is SEO really necessary, do I have to have SEO | How do I get more sales from my website
Too many orders, please close my website | Duplicate content why it doesn't work | SEO By Canz website online | Black Hat SEO vs Sleazy SEO | Other SEO blogs | Learning SEO the hard way.
Thats just a few SEO Articles I have written, on this blog, and several other blogs and websites, this list was made about a year ago.
Regards Lynny
SEO San Diego
Getting On Google Expert
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results
Important Stuff
SEO & Web Building.
Lynny Brown
Ph. (619) 269 5372
Hillcrest, San Diego,
I work with websites world wide.
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